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Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery is an on-going issue within the United Kingdom. In 2017, the National Referral Mechanism reported that over 5000 potential victims were submitted, from 116 different nationalities. Which is a 35% increase from 2016. In fact, there are more slaves in the world today (40 million) than ever before.

This online Modern Slavery training course aims to educate users on identifying signs of modern-day slavery and to give confidence to people to speak up about it.

What you will learn:

  • Understand and work towards compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • Understand what slavery is and various forms that the modern slavery umbrella term covers
  • Learn what your organisation can do to help get rid of slavery in the UK

Each person being registered must have their own email address to access purchased licences.

Assessment: Delegates must complete a multiple-choice test.

Certification: On successful completion of this course each delegate will receive a certificate.

Details Price Qty
eLearning - 1 License £25.00 GBP*  / bundle 
eLearning - 2-9 Licenses £22.00 GBP  
eLearning - 10-49 Licenses £20.00 GBP  
eLearning - 50-100 Licenses £15.00 GBP  

* price does not include taxes