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Manual Handling

This Manual Handling Training course teaches users to understand what is meant by safe manual handling. Competency in safe carrying and lifting techniques for the workplace is a legal requirement, and this course provides the user with everything they must know.

This eLearning course can help to ensure that employees are following best practices and can help reduce the chances of injuries in the workplace as a direct result.

What you will learn:

  • Learn how to lift safely, using techniques such as ‘LITE’ and ‘TILE’
  • Learn how to carry out ‘LITE’ assessments to reduce the risk of injury
  • Learn how to correct bad postural habits and how to work in the ‘Power Zone’

Who is this course for?

  • Anyone who may need to lift items as part of their duties, however the information is applicable to any workplace environment.

Each person being registered must have their own email address to access purchased licences.

Assessment: Delegates must complete a multiple-choice test.

Certification: On successful completion of this course each delegate will receive a certificate.

Details Price Qty
eLearning - 1 License £25.00 GBP  / bundle 
eLearning - 2-9 Licenses £22.00 GBP  
eLearning - 10-49 Licenses £20.00 GBP  
eLearning - 50-100 Licenses £15.00 GBP