We are delighted to announce that THSP was named Supplier of the Year at the NFDC AGM and Awards on Friday 25th March 2022.
This is a wonderful accolade for THSP in an industry that we have worked with for the past 30 years. But it didn’t come without a lot of hard work on the part of NFDC auditors.
Since 1992, THSP has worked within the demolition industry providing documentation, advice and support, site inspections and training to many NFDC members. At all times we have strived to raise standards in the demolition industry and improve attitudes to health and safety.
Helping our customers to improve productivity and the quality of their health and safety work is paramount to the design of our products. The guiding principle has been to make working safely easier than not, so that supervisors and managers can spend less time at their desks and more time on site concentrating on keeping their employees safe.
Many members of our staff have particularly gone above and beyond in order to be the winners of the award. Specifically, our Account Executive responsible for the NFDC has day to day contact with the NFDC to ensure their requirements are met with positive action and a friendly voice. In addition, a tremendous amount of work has been conducted by Chris Ivey, our Health and Safety Director, and Kirsty Maynard, Head of Customer Services and Sales, with the NFDC and assisting the NDTG in developing training courses.
This was the result of a fantastic joint effort from many different areas of our colleagues! We are very proud of your achievements and the kudos this brings to THSP.
Chris accepted the trophy on behalf of THSP.