I remember as a child, helping my dad doing chores around the house. He would often ask me to go the shed to collect some tools or materials and I would load myself up like a pack mule and struggle up the garden dropping items at every step. He would describe this as a lazy man’s load and explained that I could do the task twice as quickly and with less effort if I did it in two journeys with half the load each time.
Little did I expect at the time that I would use this story in a working career that has lasted quarter of a century.
The purpose of this story is to illustrate three elements of the Plan-Do-Check-Act model we use at THSP for our safety management system.
My dad planned the work for me, I carried it out and he offered advice on where the work could be done more efficiently and safely.
At THSP, our audits and inspections concentrate on the significant risk associated with your work. Various types of hazards can be uncovered during these visits, including safety hazards, physical hazards, ergonomic hazards, or chemical and biological hazards.
In that way we aim to help you avoid accidents and incidents.
Every time you book a site visit with us your report will contain feedback on the positives and negatives we find and will include a number of items to be actioned. These will be supported by evidence such as images or documentation.
But spotting these issues is futile unless you take action to address them. Even worse, if you fail to act on observations, particularly those that highlight a failure to comply with legislation, you could place yourself at risk of enforcement action from Environmental Health Officers and Health & Safety Executive.
We have made this easier for you with our Action Management Hub. Simply go to the MyTHSP portal and select the hub to view your current outstanding items that need your attention. These are set out in order of priority and can be viewed on a map to quickly identify where you are at greatest risk.
Each action point is given a level of risk and a timescale to complete it. The Action Management Hub allows you to view the issue and our comments allowing you to have a meaningful conversation with your site manager.
Your managers will also have access to the hub from any device, to allow them to close out items as they are complete, giving you real time reporting.
If you run across multiple sites, keeping up to date with what’s going on in your business and being in control of your own responsibilities is essential to ensuring that the risks facing your workers and business are being adequately controlled.
By engaging with the Action management hub, employers are meeting the vital last part of the Plan, Do, Check, Act model and can demonstrate best practice to enforcing authorities.
Ultimately it provides a means for measuring the effectiveness of your management systems and procedure. That is why the Action Management Hub was designed to run reports on trends and help customers to identify where they need to concentrate their efforts to get better results and reduce the likelihood of harm.
Watch our video below to see our Action Management Hub, as well as our other intuitive range of technology in action.
If you would like more information on the Action Management Hub, book a demo today with one of our team.
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