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Welcome to the Knowledge Hub. To support you and your business, we’ve created a range of free resources on common Health & Safety, HR & Employment Law issues our customers face, prepared by our experts. Here you will find topical articles, helpful guides, informative blogs, our latest webinars, free downloads and more to help you manage your workforce and safety responsibilities.

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Got me bigger contracts

The benefits have been huge. I now walk straight into negotiation on all manner of groundworks and construction projects up to the region of a million pounds in value.

Dave Lees

LBC Limited, Groundworks


We like you!

Thank you Andrew. As stated on the phone when next considering your holidays although we know your team is there, we like you!

Shelly O’Sullivan

AGF Maxi Storage


THSP have been very professional.

They have worked as our partner to advise us what we should do to resolve our health and safety issues. THSP’s staff have all given us excellent service.

Bharat Shah

Director, Dairy Den (UK) Ltd.