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Knowledge Hub.

Welcome to the Knowledge Hub. To support you and your business, we’ve created a range of free resources on common Health & Safety, HR & Employment Law issues our customers face, prepared by our experts. Here you will find topical articles, helpful guides, informative blogs, our latest webinars, free downloads and more to help you manage your workforce and safety responsibilities.

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THSP are professional, driven, passionate & caring!

THSP as a company are big enough to have the resources, yet small enough to not be lost amongst the call centres or software only providers. Everyone at THSP is professional and authentically focused.

Julian Ingrosso, Toomey Motor Group Limited

Digital Sales Manager


THSP handle everything HR related!

With operations such as recruitment now being managed by THSP, I have much more time to work on my day job and the operations side of the business which allows the business to grow.

Jaz Temple, Temple QMS Ltd

Operations Manager


"It is amazing to have you on board...

...and kick myself we did not do this before! Thanks for everything."

Martin Smith, Sweeptech Environmental Services Ltd