Looking to get ISO accreditation?
Achievement of the International Standards for quality, health and safety and environmental management systems will demonstrate that your systems meet this standard. This is the next step for you to put in place, having already developed your policies and procedures.
These are documented standards, independently assessed to demonstrate to third parties that you meet an agreed, common criteria.
Working with a long-term partner will help you develop and embed your management systems. We will work with you to integrate new processes seamlessly and efficiently into your organisation, ensuring you continue to adapt as standards, personnel and technology evolve and help you future proof your business.
ISO 45001 – Health and Safety
ISO 45001 is developed to create a framework to improve working conditions and reduce workplace risks.
We have many customers who have gained ISO45001. This has been achieved through the positive implementation of the policies and procedures created with THSP.
Whilst ISO accreditation is becoming more important for customers looking to appoint competent contractors and suppliers, there always remains a statutory requirement for health and safety policies.
Working with THSP will help you to achieve both your accreditations and meet your legal requirements.
ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System (EMS)
ISO14001 was the first standard adopted by THSP, as it reflected the importance that both the owners and staff placed upon the environment.
An international standard intended to guide companies on how to manage the interface between their businesses and the world they live in.
Our ISO Consultancy Team will assist in the development of a streamlined EMS, specific to the business needs which fits in with your current systems. With easy to follow procedures designed to support your staff in continuing best practice.
Implementing ISO14001 will increase resource efficiency, and help you reduce your carbon footprint (e.g. waste and energy use) and ultimately save your business money whilst reducing your impact on the environment.
ISO14001 also allows you to tender for more public sector and high value contracts, as many now expect ISO14001 standard at PQQ stage.

ISO 9001 QMS Services:
Every company thrives on their reputation for quality.
By adopting ISO9001 you demonstrate to customers that you have procedures in place to ensure that what you do, is done well and on time, every time.
By implementing a robust QMS you will Increase efficiency throughout your business by tightening up processes and improving product and service quality.
Our ISO Consultancy Team will work with you to develop a QMS specific to the business needs and that will integrate with your current management systems.

Consultants on hand to support you:
Whichever standard you chose to adopt, THSP has a Team of experienced ISO compliance consultants ready to assist with the development of your management system.
UKAS accreditation
All of IMS certification is through UKAS accredited bodies (e.g. BSI, etc) to ensure that your ISOs are recognised both in the UK and worldwide.
Looking to become ISO accredited? Speak to one of our experts today.
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