Prior to THSP, Bedford Blues Foundation didn’t have any HR resource as a charity. As a rapidly growing organisation, they needed an extra level of support and required a dedicated HR resource, but didn’t have the finances to employ an in-house HR department.
We spoke with Tom Harwood, Head of Foundation, to find out how THSP’s support has benefitted the charity.
The Challenge
The problems faced by Bedford Blues Foundation before choosing THSP.
Prior to THSP, Bedford Blues Foundation didn’t have any HR resource as a charity. As a rapidly growing organisation, they needed an extra level of support and required a dedicated HR resource, but didn’t have the finances to employ an in-house HR department.
Why Bedford Blues Foundation chose THSP over other companies.
The reason for appointing THSP for HR & Employment Law matters was, first and foremost, because the charity wanted someone local, meaning they had the ability to have a hands-on approach and have an understanding of things locally. Tom felt this was a great way to benefit from a local organisation.
The Solution
How THSP’s service and strategy solved the problem Bedford Blues Foundation faced.
Bedford Blues Foundation needed an approach that was more tailored when they needed it. Specifically, they primarily required rewritten company policies and handbooks, and then dipped into the team for advice and guidance for any staffing concerns or issues. Tom says that the support has been great. Sian Collin, HR Advisor at THSP, is their main point of call who has been brilliant through some difficult HR staffing challenges and has given them the peace of mind that they are doing things correctly. Having that reassurance has been really key particularly as a relatively young organisation with rapid growth, and the organisation have found it very beneficial having that reassurance on the end of the phone.
Tom says that he has been particularly pleased by the personal touch of THSP’s service, and that the onboarding process was smooth and quick. He adds that the service has always been quick and only has to wait a few hours to have the issue dealt with, enabling the foundation to make quick decisions and move forward.
The Results
The measurable results that THSP’s service has provided.
Within the first couple of months, Bedford Blues Foundation received a staff handbook, which they didn’t have before. Tom adds that there is now a structure in place which management staff know what to do regarding policies and procedures. Immediately, the foundation received the policies, handbooks and support and guidance where needed. Tom found it very reassuring to be able to check the clarity of what they are doing right and maintain that their processes are correct.
“Sian has been absolutely brilliant in one issue in particular, the service has been very thorough, and the speed of response is also brilliant.”
In terms of other benefits that the foundation have seen since using THSP’s services, Tom says that Tribe – THSP’s HR Management Software – has been extremely valuable. He adds that having an online platform that staff and team have been able to use has been really beneficial, and it is now their one-stop shop for holidays, policies, handbooks. This has added a lot of value to their team, and rather than a spreadsheet, Tribe makes everything look crisper, clearer and easier to communicate with the team.
In a nutshell, Tom says that the service Bedford Blues Foundation have received from THSP has been incredibly competent, reassuring and fast! The service has enabled the organisation to either respond to people promptly or know where to turn to and receive an answer quickly. He ends by saying the service is really appreciated.