Test drive our services with a HR contract review.
THSP’s Employment Law team will review your current HR contracts to ensure they reflect your business, ensure staff are treated fairly and meet legal obligations.
The team will provide a comprehensive overview and meet with you virtually to discuss the review.
THSP provide a fresh set of eyes from a critical friend that can provide guidance and partnership to improve all things HR and Employment Law in your business. When things are done right, you can be confident you are future-proofing your organisation for growth and freeing up time to focus on running your business.
If you could benefit from an outsourced service following this review we will knock the cost of the contract review off your first year of service.

Want to know if you’re doing everything possible to support your employees? Take our business health check quiz to find out.
Start your journey to a fairer, more engaged, and compliant workplace today for just £350 + VAT.